5 Tips for defining a target market for your service business

Are you finding it difficult when it comes to defining a target market for your service business?
Maybe you’re not sure how to narrow down your audience into a more specific niche?
Perhaps you’ve changed your mind a few times about who you want to work with?
Or maybe this process is just all new to you, and you’re not sure where to start?

Whatever the reason you’re thinking about it now, I want you to know that defining a specific target market is essential when developing your marketing strategy and plan.
It will give you so much more clarity and direction for your business.
So, you’ll save time, be more productive, and know exactly what to focus on next.
It will ensure you’re speaking in a way that will resonate with your dream clients…
Resulting in qualified leads and making sales with the kind of clients you really want to work with.
And it will enable you to enjoy more of that freedom and flexibility that you’ve been searching for.
Which, let’s face it, was probably the reason why you started your business in the first place!
So, are you ready to get started? Yes? Brilliant!
In the blog post below, you’ll find my top five tips for defining a target market for your service business:
1. Speak to potential clients for target market research
In my experience, the best way to conduct target market research is to speak directly with potential clients.
It’s often a step that’s overlooked or skipped over too quickly.
But it’s a critical step that will significantly impact the results you’ll achieve.
Once you’ve identified who you want to speak with, reach out and set up a dedicated time to ask them questions such as:
“what would you like to change most about XYZ.”
“what do you look for when you’re considering buying [your services].”
“what are you struggling with at the moment, and what help do you wish you had.”
“what would you type into the Google search box when looking for my types of services.”
“what did you like most about working with me.”
“what do you think I could do differently.”
Use the information and insights from these conversations to develop your marketing strategy.
And consider adding the words and language they use to your marketing materials.
RELATED: Free Masterclass Training – How to research your target market
2. Go deeper than just the client demographics
While many people start defining a target market by using demographics such as gender, age, occupation, etc., you’ll need to go much deeper.
The main areas that you really need to uncover when conducting target market research are:
- What are your target market’s pain points or problems right now?
- What does your target market want or desire from you or your service?
- What fears or objections have been holding your target market back?
When you can uncover their main pain points, wants, and fears, you’ll be able to define your target market in a much more meaningful way.
RELATED: 5 Common target market mistakes you’ll want to avoid
"When you can uncover the main pain points, wants, and fears of your target market, you'll be able to define your target market in a much more meaningful way." – Hayley Robertson #targetmarket #marketingstrategy Share on X3. Understand what your client wants or desires
It’s very common for service business owners to deeply focus on their target market’s pain points and problems.
However, it’s equally as valuable to focus on the wants and desires that your potential client has too.
This area between your target market’s pain points (where they are now) and their wants and desires (where they want to be) is the transformation or change they are looking for.
Some clients may want to get through this transformation quickly, while others are happy to work through it over time.
So, it’s essential to understand both HOW MUCH they want to transform or change and HOW QUICKLY they wish to transform or change.
With this information, it will be much easier to define the type of clients you want to attract and work with.
Not sure where to start when it comes to marketing your service-based small business? That’s where I can help. Get started by downloading my free Ultimate Marketing Checklist by clicking the button below:
4. Figure out what’s been holding your clients back
When people want to change something or hire a professional, they have likely considered it for a while.
But for whatever reason, they haven’t yet reached out and asked for the support they need to enact the change they want.
It may just be timing.
Or there could be other fears, objections, or negative perceptions holding them back.
When you can figure out what these may be, it will help you define your target market more comprehensively.
5. Use adjectives to describe your target market
When defining your target market, it’s essential to brainstorm adjectives you can use to describe them.
You could choose positive adjectives such as professional, happy, determined, confident, motivated, talented, friendly, or fun.
In addition, there may also be some negative adjectives you could use to describe where your target market is now, such as overwhelmed, confused, tired, stuck, procrastinating, unwell, busy, or unhappy.
After doing this exercise, you’ll be able to pinpoint the keywords that best describe your target market, making it easier to define your target market.
It will also provide you with a list of words you can use in your copywriting to stand out better, resonate, and attract your dream clients.
RELATED: How to choose the right keywords for your target market
"When defining your target market, it's essential to brainstorm adjectives you can use to describe them." – Hayley Robertson #targetmarket #marketingstrategy Share on XSo, there you have five tips for defining a target market for your service business.
Once you’ve defined your target market and understood their pain points, wants, and fears, you’ll be able to design your service offerings to match their needs.
And promote your service offerings using words and language that will resonate with them and stand out.
These elements form your marketing strategy and ensure you can consistently attract your dream clients and grow your service business.
Tired of trying to figure out what you’re missing when it comes to finding clients and making sales in your service business?
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BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH is a 3 or 6-month 1:1 Coaching Program for service-based business owners who want to develop the strategy, systems, and structure they need to find clients and make sales, so they can stop feeling stuck and start gaining massive momentum in their business.
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